Friday, November 4, 2011


Happy Friday everyone! I feel like I have been a bad blogger this week missing out on both Work it Wednesday AND Thursday Latelies. To be honest, though, I feel like I just didn't have any good Work it Wednesday ideas and I thought the things I was thankful for were sort of lame and didn't warrant a post (to sum up - I am thankful for my health, my two best friends who will listen to me complain about my crazy family, my husband, and my Aunt (who seem to be the only other sane person in my family)).

I went to a yoga fusion class this past Tuesday (read: yoga with weights) and lately I have been having that "I need a change" feeling. Today I feel like I want to get my hair cut in a cute short 'do (which I always contemplate when I blow dry my hair since it seems to take forever) and become a yoga teacher. WHAT?!?! Pretty crazy, huh? I guess I get inspired every time I go to yoga class (even though I don't go on the regular).

I also can relate to this post from Linda over at Rose A La Mode. I, too, would like to move to a place like this. Sounds wonderful.

To resist the temptation to cut my hair short, maybe I just need to buy a new lip gloss at Target and call it a day?

Have a good weekend, everyone!

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