Since I bought my "calf-friendly" boots {if you have no idea what I am talking about, see this post}, I have been dreaming of ways to wear them. Too bad the temperature hopped back into the 80's for the beginning of this week. When the weather allows here are three ways I plan on rockin' my new kicks:

{top, jacket, skirt, stocking, boots, bag}
I pretty much have something that looks like everything above except for that pink poncho and the black cable knit poncho. I feel like they are in my future, though.
Just an FYI...Lands End Canvas is now having 50% off sale as well as the Classifieds {if you don't know what the Classified are, read more about it here}. Again, as I have mentioned before, they have awesome stuff and their sales are really good. I just bought 3 turtlenecks for $5.00 each. Love me some LE Canvas.
Nice outfits! I have boots almost exactly like these. Here it's been boot temperature for a while now hehe. These are good ideas :)