1. Infinity scarves. I don't have one but I need to get one. I have tried to learn how to tie the scarves I have in a way where one does not see the ends...but it always ends up looking odd or the knot comes undone. Whoever invented the infinity scarf is a genius. Here is one I have my eye on.
2. This toner from Aveda. I had a facial at the local Aveda Institute last Saturday and it was heavenly. The toner was recommended and it leaves my skin feeling moisturized and not tight and dry. It's got rose in it, so it also smells great (but everything Aveda has smells awesome IMO). It isn't for those ladies with super oily skin, though. (Side note - if you have an Aveda Institute in your area you should check it out. Their prices are great. The facial I got was only $45.00).
3. Apple picking. I think I might go apple picking this weekend and I am so excited. I haven't been in years and I can't wait to start baking pies and such. Yum.
What are you thankful for today?